Play VillageWars

Learn about, play, and create custom servers for Aaron’s game

Build a Server

Step-by-step tutorials explain how to build a VillageWars server, giving you the flexibility and creative control to modify the game to conform with your vision.

Browse Version Library

Learn about what inspired Aaron to create each version, what changes were made to the game, and what future updates are coming.


All code is 100% free and open-source, accessible to everyone to give suggestions and understand how the game works. – VillageWars 1.7.2 | Sublime Text

1000+ lines of code

The current version of VillageWars includes at least 20 source code files, each with several hundred lines of code.

36+ Released Versions

With version 0.0.1 completed in February 2022 and version 1.7.2 scheduled to be completed in November 2024, VillageWars is continuously being upgraded.

Versions of VillageWars | VillageWars Launcher